Our Service's In Life is what Makes lives matter.
Services that we provide consist of daily grooming, light house keeping, and assistance with every day activities
We like to get to know our clients spend one on one time with them, so they are able to be comfortable with the person who is inside of there home.
Our caregivers assist clients in every way possible, such as reminding them of appointments, med reminder, we care about there life it matters to us.
Hearts Matter will be pulling one lucky persons name to receive a gas card. We would like thank everyone that participated in giveaway this is going to make a lot of kids happy.
6/13/2023Happy Father's Day to all you wonderful hard working fathers out there
6/18/2023Enjoy the Fireworks
7/4/2023Our First Hearts Community Book Bag Giveaway for the year 2023-24 from 11 am until 2 pm We would love for the families to make sure they are going into the year healthy with free blood pressure checks. Also Parents will have Job Opportunities as well as informational tables from different Vendors. Come Out WHILE SUPPLIES LAST!!!!!!!!!
7/22/2023Our annual Thanksgiving giveaway. We will be passing out turkeys and baskets at 527 North Howard street at 11 am please send us a message if you have questions
Please Note all time sheets must be turned in on Monday 9am
If you would like to apply for a position, please download our application then send it to info@heartsmattershha.com. If you have any questions reach out to our office at (330)217-0169 between 9 am until 4 pm.
Covid-19 Form
Please complete if you have Covid-19 or have come in contact with someone with Covid-19. Please contact the office for further instructions You may download for your records please click the attachment